A Heartful Life

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What is your “why”?

This question has come up frequently for me throughout my journey. When I was learning how to be a naturopathic doctor. And when I started creating a business. And again when I took many left turns and started all over. I found myself constantly back here - wondering if I am still aligned with my why and if I even know what that means.

What is your why?

I realized that I was always missing a major component of this question. I was just thinking about myself. What is my purpose here? What will make me feel good? What will serve me? I was missing so much of what life is all about - serving others. Of course, when you start a business, you need to think about how you will serve your client/customer. It comes up, you work through it, you brand and build all around that very thing. And then you keep going. But for me, I found that the more I dove into things like business and branding and building, it started to actually become more about me vs. others. And I just don’t feel good there. It is a self-serving action that only has so much longevity. There is a reason I keep coming back to this question. My why has gotten muddied up in various self-fulfilling actions (just being honest).

What is my true why?

It’s not to build a business, or a brand or a community or gain followers or any of the things we see on the outside. Those things can become so incredibly blinding.

My why has always been to see others. To make sure that people are loved, treasured and seen for who they really are. Maybe that’s because I felt like that is something I could never give to myself. And so I don’t want other people to feel that way. To feel like they are alone. Or feel the need to berate themselves simply for showing up as themselves. Or feel that they have to change themselves in order to experience some sense of belonging.

You belonging comes from your mere existence.

There is literally no prerequisite for belonging. It’s inherent. It’s innate.

And I believe that it is my mission to remind you of that.

Everything you are in this moment, is no mistake.

Gosh, I remember feeling that way though. I remember so clearly because it was not even that long ago. That deep feeling of inner contempt. Because I couldn’t fit, so then I must have been a mistake? This is, of course, so far from the truth, but that is not something I was able to see for myself when in the depths of it.

What I want to do is share with you more about how to deal with situations where these things arise. I’m seriously so far from being an expert, but if anyone could win a medal for being so hard on themselves, it would be me. It’s something that has paralyzed me for many, many years. And in those moments, all I would want was relief. For some guidance and some acceptance. All of which essentially had to come from within, but I was looking for it on the outside. On occasion, there would be something externally that would allow things to click for me. Sometimes, I needed a little push from the outside. A reminder. Something that resonated with me and my situation in order for me to pick myself up again. And maybe that’s what I have always wanted to offer others here. A space where they can go to and see themselves reflected on the page in front of them and gain a little moment of clarity.

What’s that going to mean for this blog?

A whole lot of soul chats.

I don’t think I’ve published a blog post on here for a year. Because I was just so darn confused about how I wanted to show up. Everything outside of me was telling me that there was no space for my voice. I was worried about saturation and performance and all the things that literally have no connection to my why whatsoever.

So here we are. Changing things up.

I am back, baby.

And we are going deep.
