A Heartful Life

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5 Tips for Turning Around a Bad Day

We’ve all been there. You wake up expecting the day to go one way, and instead it goes very very wrong. Nothing seems to align the way you had hoped. Plans get changed last minute, throwing you into either the turmoil of anxiety or causing you to play catch-up for the rest of the day. Maybe it just feels like the whole universe is working against you. Or perhaps you wake up feeling sad or angry and can’t seem to shake it off no matter what you do. Like I said… we have all been there.

What can you really do about those days?

Sometimes, nothing. I’m serious. Nothing.

Because no matter what you do, you could end up pushing yourself further and further into a state of chaos that gets more difficult to get out of. You are having a bad day, and you are allowed to. Accept that and even say it out loud. Then you can move forward.

So here are my tips for turning around a bad day. These work for me most of the time, and they might for you too. These are things you can do during the day or you can use some of them to ground/wind down at the end of your day. But remember everyone is different, and sometimes you just need to let it be. So adjust as needed for your heart.

1) Talk to someone

Call a friend, family member or a trusted colleague. Talk to them. Tell them you’re having a bad day and just let out what needs to come out. Allow yourself to be supported by another person when you aren’t feeling good, and maybe even tell them what you need if you know what might help you. Pick someone you know who can hold that space for you. You don’t want to end up more frustrated after speaking to someone else. It’s ok to be selective about who you share your heart with.

2) Let it out

If you can find a quiet space, set yourself up comfortably and turn inwards. If you need to write things down, then do it. What emotions are you feeling? Anger, frustration, irritation, sad, disappointed, hurt, etc.? Whatever emotions come up for you, be present with them for a moment. Each one is valid. Each one is important. Let it flow. Cry it out if you need to.

And you know what? No, it is not fair that this is how your day went/is going. But yes, you are allowed to feel this way. And yes, you will move through it. This is temporary.

3) Use tools

There are so many tools out there to ground yourself. If you have a favourite, go for that one. If not, here are some ideas:

  • Deep breathing: The 4-7-8 breath technique works wonders for me to bring me out of my head and allow for a bit of a mental release. Inhale for 4 counts into the belly, hold for 7 counts, exhale for 8 counts. Repeat until you feel a release and then resume regular breathing.

  • Journal: write about your day or your situation. Write about what happened and what caused you to feel the way you are feeling. Or write about how you don’t know why you are feeling the way you are and see where that takes you. Let you intuition guide you here and try not to overthink it.

  • Meditate: Meditation can really give your mind a break from everything going on. Sometimes it can be hard to surrender to meditation/quiet time so use an app if you need (Calm, Stop Think Breathe, Insight Timer, etc.). This can really help get you centered and out of your head.

  • Cup of tea: Tea has a similar effect for me as meditation does for other people. Especially if I can take some time to just enjoy the tea. A nice yummy herbal tea and curling up for a bit = perfection.

  • Essential oils: I love having a diffuser going with some essential oils whenever I’m having a bad day. Using scent as a grounding tool is amazing. My favourite calming scents right now are lavender, petitgrain and birch.

  • Movement: exercise, even if it is just 20 minutes can really shift your mindset and pump out endorphins to help you feel happier. A quick workout video or a walk/run can do the trick. I’ve listed some of my current favourite workout youtube channels here:

3) Create the change you want

Make a list or write down what you would need for the rest of this day to feel successful to you. What would need to happen for this day to end on a good note? Write it down. Is it a task that needs to be done? A couple priorities? A focus on your mental wellness? Whatever you think you need, write it down and see if you can make it happen. Leave the rest if it’s getting too overwhelming.

4) Change of scenery

When your mind starts to dwell, it can stay there if you let it. Sometimes it needs to be snapped out of it and pushed to focus on something else. If you can, go for a walk or get some air. Or move your workspace elsewhere if that’s possible.

Take some deep breaths and start to let some of emotions go (perhaps with one of the tools mentioned above). These emotions are your just a temporary state, not your permanent state. They do not dictate your whole day or week or life. This is simply a moment in time.

5) Let it be

Going back to what I mentioned at the beginning of this post: let it be. Sometimes, you just can’t bring yourself out of that mood. And sometimes you actually just don’t even want to try. And that is ok. Often when I feel this way, I wish I just could give myself permission to stop and rest instead. So if you’re anything like me in that regard: here is your permission. If you can take the day off, or leave some/all of your tasks for tomorrow, or end your day early - then do that. It’s ok to lay on the couch and binge watch a show. It’s ok to just rest. Sometimes feeling “off” happens for a reason. Maybe you need a break. Maybe you need rest. All of it is completely valid.

What do you like to do when you have a bad day?

Lots of love.