A Heartful Life

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Hummingbird // Empowered

I’ve been wanting a hummingbird tattoo for years.


There was a period of time a few years ago when I saw hummingbirds all the time. Living in BC, it’s pretty common to see them in comparison to Alberta. And catching them in action is breathtaking. Especially up close. The way they flutter in place. These teeny tiny little things…capable of producing so much energy. Capable of stopping you in your tracks just to soak up the moment.

The idea of having a hummingbird tattoo stayed in the back of my mind. I wanted one, but wasn’t sure quite where to get it or how I wanted it to look. And I doubted myself a lot. What would people think? Would it look the way I want? Is this just a phase? What if I change my mind? So I let it go a bit and naturally moved on to other tattoo desires (cue: my tattoo pinterest board). I’ve always wished I was the type of person that could just go for it and get what I want instead of overthinking it. But I do overthink…everything.

When I decided to move back home to Alberta, I really felt pulled to get a tattoo. I wanted to commemorate my time in Vancouver and I felt like I needed something that encompassed the way that place made me feel. And all the growth and the lessons I experienced. Funnily enough, when I started to think about that more and more, I started to see a little hummingbird outside my apartment window. I had seen him before, but I had simply admired him and moved on. This time it was different. This wee little bird would hover over a tree outside my apartment and then actually stop and sit on one of the branches (which is rare). And on a few lucky occasions, it would flutter right up in front of my window. So close I could hear the beating of the wings. And the teeny tiny little chirps. Like it was trying to tell me something. In a huge apartment building, it would come up to my window right when I was sitting in front of that window. It felt like it was a sign.

And then the signs kept coming. I saw hummingbirds everywhere. Not only the real ones but photos of them would pop up, logos with hummingbirds would be on something I picked up at the grocery store, someone on a podcast would mention that a hummingbird was at their window. All these little signs kept coming. So I knew it was right. I was ready for my tattoo.

When it came time to decide where, I really had to think it through. I wanted something that felt empowering. That’s the only way I could describe it. And the place that kept coming back up for me was the back of my arm. For some reason that place felt empowering. Like that little hummingbird would have my back or something. It just felt really good to me.

And when I connected with the word “empowering”, I was able to let my intuition guide me (something I had been feeling quite disconnected from for awhile). And so I went for it. Continuing to let my intuition guide me as I decided on exact placement, sizing and look of the bird. I went through many renditions. Changed my mind endless times. Ended up having to go to my appointment alone (*ahem covid), which required me to be even stronger and more in tune with my intuition. My tattoo artist was so extremely patient. I put her through countless cycles of changing the sizing and position of the stencil. Until finally something just clicked and I committed to it. There was no going back and I was totally ok with that.

For me, all of this is huge. I worry, I overthink and I am often too afraid to speak up when something isn’t the way I want. So this time, I am proud that despite all the worry and overthinking, I could still advocate for my vision. And truly have it come through the way I wanted. And that’s how I ended up here. With my favourite tattoo. A reminder of grace, joy, appreciation and most of all empowerment.


Empowered my who I am.

Empowered by who I am becoming.

Empowered, inspired and forever grateful that beautiful things come from trusting your intuition.

Do you have a tattoo story? I would love to hear below!